Category: CC0
All images in this category are licensed under CC0 Creative Commons License and therefore public domain. Do with them as you please. I am grateful if you decide to credit me even if you don’t have to. And make sure to give me a follow on Instagram if you like my work.
I am releasing these images to the public domain, because I can lol. Hier ein paar Bilder, die mein 3-jähriges Kind gemalt hat, fürs große Ganze unter CC0…
Empty candy wrap.
Eine leere Obsttüte an einer leeren Wand. An empty vegetables paper bag on an empty wall.
This is going to be a photo blog again. I was about to delete the site when I thought it could actually be my artist safe space. I…
I visited this exibition from artist Rebecca Louise Law this summer at La Roche-Jagu. It is a château-fort in Brittany. Law does these amazing flower installations. They dry…